Thursday, August 30, 2007

The last week

The last week has been great for me and Mackenzie. This past Saturday Mackenzie went to the Lil' Demon Cheerleading Clinic. I have to say it went much better for her this year than last year. She actually got involved and learned the dance somewhat. So this Friday she will cheer at the football game during the first half.

School is still going great. We started with homework this week which she loves. Hopefully it will stay that way. Oh and we pick up our soccer schedule today.

As some of you know we have been living with my mom since Tyler and I divorced. Well it has finally come time for us to get our place. Of course as soon as I decided this my car died. So not only am I looking for a house I am also looking for a car. I will be going from no car payment or mortgage to both. It is pretty scary but very exciting.

Hope everybody is doing well!! Have a great Labor Day!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A little bit of everything

My job has been up in the air for a while and very stressful at times not knowing if it was going to stay open or not. Well we went through two layoffs and now there are only two of us left. My director and myself. Last week our big boss calls and says he is coming to meet with us. Very scary! Well thank goodness we are safe for now. He was just trying to get an idea of what we did. Although this job is a long drive each day it is perfect for me right now. I usually work 4 days a week and get off at 4:00 each day. Getting off at 4:00 is great especially now that Mackenzie has started school. I have a little more time with her in the afternoon.

Not only did we start school this week we change classes at church tonight. We also start back to children's choir with a new teacher. Hopefully Mackenzie will stay in class.

Several weeks ago we had pics done at the High school for a cheerleading fundraiser. They turned out so cute. A lot of money but cute none the less.

Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day of School

So this is my first blog but I have been keeping up with other friends through their blogs and thought why not try it. Of course I have been saying that for weeks but today is a big day.

Today is Mackenzie's first morning of BIG school. I was a little nervous about getting Mackenzie up this morning because she is not a morning person but she did a great job. I will admit I was already fighting back tears though. She ate some breakfast and got dressed and was ready to go. She talked to her daddy and then off to school we went. (I am still fighting back tears) I get to the school and pull into the car rider circle and Mackenzie is getting all excited in the back seat. We park because I get to walk her in the first day of school she jumps out the car and grabs her bookbag like she is going without me. Then she reaches for my hand. (Still no tears). We get all the way down to the classroom and Ms. Schwartz ask me how I was doing and I started crying. Still not nearly as bad as I thought. Mackenzie sat down in her seat and was ready to go. So I gave her a hug and kiss and went to the BOOWHO breakfast for kindergarten parents. There they gave us a poem. Thank goodness I did not read it until I got in the car because that is when I cried.

So I would say we have started off on a good foot with school. Of course we will have to see what she says this afternoon.
This is the poem they gave us:

she started school this morning
and she seemed so very small
as i walked there beside her
in the kindergarten hall

and as she took her place beside
the others in the class,
i realized how all too soon
those first few years can pass

remembering, I saw her as
she first learned how to walk
the words that we alone made out
when she began to talk

this little girl so much absorbed
in learning how to write
it seems as though she must have grown
to girlhood overnight

my eyes were blurred by hastily
i brushed the tears away
lest by some word or sign of mine
i mar her first big day

oh how i longed to stay with her
and keep her by the hand
to lead her through the places
that she couldn't understand

and something closely kin to fear
was mingled with my pride
i knew she would no longer be
a baby by my side

but she must have her chance to live
to work her problems out
the privilege to grow and learn
what life is all about

and i must share my little girl
with friends and work and play
she's not a baby anymore--
she's in kindergarten today