Thursday, August 30, 2007

The last week

The last week has been great for me and Mackenzie. This past Saturday Mackenzie went to the Lil' Demon Cheerleading Clinic. I have to say it went much better for her this year than last year. She actually got involved and learned the dance somewhat. So this Friday she will cheer at the football game during the first half.

School is still going great. We started with homework this week which she loves. Hopefully it will stay that way. Oh and we pick up our soccer schedule today.

As some of you know we have been living with my mom since Tyler and I divorced. Well it has finally come time for us to get our place. Of course as soon as I decided this my car died. So not only am I looking for a house I am also looking for a car. I will be going from no car payment or mortgage to both. It is pretty scary but very exciting.

Hope everybody is doing well!! Have a great Labor Day!


Leslie Spradley said...

Good luck with everything! I'm sure it will all work out! How do you get them envolved in the cheerleading thing? How old you they have to be?

Jenn Ward said...

Mackenzie did a great job cheering!!

Stacy said...

One of Mackenzie's preschool teacher's grandaughter is a cheerleader and they made us aware of the clinic. They have to be 4 years old and they usually do it the first saturday after school starts.