Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Catching up

We are finally moved out. The new place is liveable but still a ways to go to finish getting settled. We are loving it though. It may get old after a while but I love going home and being able to cook supper and sit down and have a quiet meal with just me and Mackenzie. It is GREAT!!!

I know this is a little late but we did get a chance to go to the fair. I took Mackenzie out of school for a day because she was going to Alabama with her daddy for the weekend. She had so much fun. Both at the fair and in Alabama. She caught her first fish.

My nephew is now growing by leaps and bounds. It is amazing to watch the growth in children as most of you know. Poor thing had to have surgery two weeks ago to correct his stomach tube. It went perfect and he is now keeping everything down.

Well, this is enough for now. I need to do some work. Hope everybody has a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

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